I think that I'm definitely going to this exchange in the les when I go to the city next weekend. It's for youth, so you have to be under 24 to go to the place. It's for homeless youth and youth involved with the streets (haha, well, I walk on the streets.... apparently drug use is related to being involved with the streets, so I guess I'm included, or something like that). I'm kinda wondering what it will be like, but I feel like they'll probably be nice to me and not treat me like shit if I go there. The idea of exchanges kinda freaks me out in general, I don't know, I guess I'm worried about A) cops, B) them giving me a hard time (I guess that makes me no sense, the whole point is to help, right? though a whole lotta people say they want to help but they just try to fuck you over), or C) them turning me away or making me do something I don't want to do (I don't know, they make me suspicious). Tanzen should be thinking "what the fuck" when we go there, but I have a feeling she'll think this is really cool (or some other shit). I guess I'm exploiting that factor in Tanzen because she listens to me talk about all my junky shit and will still be friends with me. Haha, something about it evokes that whole sense in me that enjoys a good adventure, especially ones that include my favorite things. Also, nothing really bad could happen, I mean, sure, I could get turned away, but beyond that I think it will be okay.
Tomorrow I have to go to my doctor's house in uptown, which won't be fun. I have to wake up at 6:45, which sucks so much. I woke up at 12 today and I'm still tired. I have to do a lot of work for school, it starts on thursday (which is a horrible thought). I have 50 pages left to read, a book of poetry to read too, an essay to write, answer 2 questions, rearrange 18 questions (my friends and I are sharing answers), write an outline, and highlight a chapter. So much work, so little time. I'm going to try to do some of the bullshit on the train tomorrow. I can easily do all of it, I've just been super lazy. It's half I don't give a shit and half I would rather be high, and together they make me not want to do anything. I spend a good part of the time this week thinking about getting high, then getting high, then thinking about how dumb that was, then getting high again, haha, then hanging out with people at which point we would get high. I think I've spent every night for the past week high, and I've changed it up, which is surprising (if it was all the same thing it wouldn't be so surprising). Maybe I need to relax and focus on something else for a while. = )
I just found out Lauren is fine, guess who was there? Nina. Nina came and got her. As I said, I could bet my life on it, Nina is always there to pick Lauren up when she's "in a bad way." I'm so not surprised that I'm almost annoyed. I'm kinda glad that Nina cleans up all of those messes because Lauren is such a handful (haha, she's a mucky pup). I would deal with it if she wanted my help, but she never does. The last time I had to deal with this was in May or June and she was high. We're all stoned out of our heads and she's talking about killing herself to Nina and I. Nina takes the lead and I'm just standing there not sure what the fuck I'm supposed to do. It's just always been really stressful. I love the kid, but it's hard to talk someone down, never one of the things I've enjoyed.
Anyway, I should be heading off to bed. This post has been pretty boring for everyone else I'm sure, so I'll end it now...
BTW, I think "ca plan pour moi" roughly translates into "it's gliding for me" which really means "being high works for me." = )
It's a good song, it's in French, which kinda sucks, but that's okay. It's by Plastic Bertrand.
I don't know how the exchanges work on the east coast but in Cali it pretty painless and straightforward. You go in, give them a minimal amount of info and boom! you walk out with a junky kit. They're actually kinda cute but it varries from place to place. We didn't have one in Bako but in 'frisco they give you a little case with a bottle of bleach, pre-made cottons, a tourniquet and outfits.You can ask for intramuscular points too. In san diego it was illegal so there were a bunch of gay guys who would give out cards with a # on them and you just called when you needed them. They would deliver a paper bag with riggs, bleach and condoms anywhere in the city. It was hella cool,they were part of some HIV awareness group. I wouldn't stress it and I doubt they'll turn you away.
Yeah, I figure I'm just being paranoid (it's one of my specialties). It will be really nice to get a new rig (both of the ones I have are basically useless), so I'm definitely going to do it. I'm sure that they're pretty much the same from coast to coast. I don't know why I keep thinking about the cops (my guess is all the sketchy shit that happens with my friends and other people getting arrested), I don't think they'll turn me in either, I just am feeling very circumspect about the whole thing. I don't know why, I know it's pretty ridiculous to be worried about it, I just am. I think part of me is kind of excited, and the other part is just unsure of what it will be like.
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