Monday, September 15, 2008

Adult Books

DOPE (and other drug) BOOKS:
1. "Tales from the Geronimo" by Scott Frank - My favorite book of all time. I picked it up for $3 in a used book store. It may be hard to find, but it's well worth it. I've read it probably 5 times.

2. "Trainspotting" by Irvine Welsh - It's amazing! But you probably already know that. Renton is amazing and I love him more and more every time I read it.

3. "Candy" by Luke Davies - Australian dope fiends. My first dope book, I've read it twice. Very entertaining and a generally good read.

4. "Junky" by William S. Burroughs - Classic. I feel like it's interesting mostly because of the setting and the words they use. Occasionally hard to understand, though you can usually get the general gist. (For example, how much is a grain? I've never heard any measurement called that.)

5. "Speed/Kentucky Ham" by William S. Burroughs Jr. - Honestly really really interesting. About a teenager about my age, but the length of time they talk about is very vague and confused because of the heavy use of speed. I almost found it more interesting than "Junky" (that's probably a sin, but whatever).

6. "Ecstasy" by Irvine Welsh - The stories are really interesting, funny, and bizarre. Very very good read. Interesting even though it focuses on e. Renton makes a cameo in one of the stories.

7. "Porno" by Irvine Welsh - Not really a drug book, but it is the sequel to Trainspotting. Mostly focuses on coke.

I feel like I've read way more, so I'll come back later and edit it when I think of the others. = )


Melody Lee said...

Grains are term used mostly with morphine. It's like super old junky slang but I also think that it's a medical term. As far as I know 1/2 grain equalls one bag of H. Back in my dad's day they called 'em match heads.I have a friend who talks like he just stepped out of Lou Reed's New York junk scene. It's funny he's like,' Man, I need some junk, can I use your works? Anybody got any horse? I always give him shit for it, like who the fuck do you think you are Casper, Lenny Bruce?

Lucinda said...

My brain was just like, "Grain?...? What are you talking about Billy?" I love all the old junky slang, mostly because it's more entertaining to use. I'm going to start calling everyone dope fiends again. Lou Reed's junk scene was probably the shit.

If you listen to the Velvet Underground and walk around the village in the late morning, you get high on the city. I swear to God, it's the most amazing thing ever, I wonder if it's from Lou Reed and his scene. And that's completely off topic, but whatever. = )

Melody Lee said...

It's funny but I never hear anyone use dopefiend (in NM) except for me. Back home we all use it because all the OG junkies used it and it just stuck. In Bako it's specific to a smack addict, you say I'm a dopefiend and everybody knows you mean H. Oh it's also this sticky sweet mess you make in jail out of honey buns and candy bars. Especially delectable to junkies, I guess that's why they call it that. Enough junky trivia, I'll stop now.

Lucinda said...

Haha, you can comment as much as you want. It's interesting and it gives me something to read.
= )