Monday, October 6, 2008

The Plot Sickens

My room is freezing and I feel like someone has hit me over the head. I woke up this morning, as per my usual with only 5 hours of sleep, and I felt like shit. My nose was stuffed and running, my throat was sore, and I kind of felt how I imagine road kill feels. My mother was not hearing it and told me to get up. I rolled out of bed, and got reading (Misfits shirt, flannel shirt, my fav black jeans, the belt I painted 2 years ago, my Docs, and my army jacket which I just finished studding saturday). Let's just say that when I got out of my car this morning I got more of the same looks from all of the kids in the parking lot, no one was smoking there cause it's too cold even for those vain fuckers. After two classes, I felt fucked, it was the whole, "I'm going to puke, crap myself, or faint, not in that order." The nurse actually let me out (what's up with that, I have no idea). My mother sounded sympathetic and wasn't angry (I asked if she was). As I trekked from the back of the school to the senior lot, I cut through the practice field. There are two ways to enter: One way is onto a path past a security guard (the one I hate, Missy), or a large gate which is not manned. Well, I went through the large gate, cut up and onto the path. I could feel someone following me, and even through the pounding sound of Reagan Youth, I heard keys jingling. The keys gave her away, but I just kept walking. She tapped me on the shoulder and looked, as always, pissed off and unfriendly. I pulled out my ID, and she let me go, "Don't cut through the practice field!" I just walked on, I didn't give a fuck, I felt like shit. I texted Anthony and told him I was sick and had left incase he was wondering, he said that he was. I texted Nina and told her I wouldn't be statistics, she told me to feel better.

When I got home my dad was there, and hadn't been expecting me. I read the first 2 chapters of Crime and Punishment for English, and then finally succumbed to my desire for sleeping at 11:50. My mother came in a few minutes later and talked to me, she was home (which is very rare) to have lunch with my father. That's the last thing I remember, and then it was 3:05 and the alarm was going off. My dad had definitely gone to the pharmacy, I listened quietly in my bed to hear if I was correct. I'm almost positive I was. I finally got up and started to read the last chapter of Crime of Punishment that was due, Anthony texted me to see how I was feeling. We texted back and forth for a while and then I left him alone.

He's been fighting for my honor (seriously, this is no joke) against our friend James, who thinks I ruined his chances to go out with this girl Brooke. Here's the thing: A) She was waaaaaaaay out of his league, he's a guy in the radio station and she's dating football players, B) I was no the one who told her he was asking her out, and C) I did so that he wouldn't be crushed. I was the first person he told (at least I think I was), but everyone knew what was going down. He didn't do it for 2 weeks (we all agree that he's a fucking pussy, and needs to grow up), but kinda feigned attempts at it. I had already talked to her about it and she was adimant that she felt bad but there was no way it was going to happen. I told him at the festival that it was definitely not going to happen. The next day he decided that he was going to almost completely stop talking to me. It's so dumb and immature. I guess he and Anthony were talking about it and Anthony was trying to convince him (of the truth) that I had only done it while looking out for his best interests. I think Anthony's words were, "that you didn't mean to do it." Now what IT is I'm not completely sure, this is implying some kind of blame on my part. Well, James can suck it, he's just pissed at himself for not having any balls.

Anyway, I'm mostly excited about a show on October 18th. It's World War IX and Blackout Shoppers, at this place about 40 minutes from my house. I'm going with Tanzen, Alexis, (maybe) Ned, (maybe) Anthony, and me. It should be awesome, I can't wait to see Justin, he's 22 years older than me.... and I have a giant crush on him. Haha, I've met his wife and he's not overly hot, he's just awesome an 39. I wouldn't mind him adopting me. I haven't seen WWIX since February and they're my favorite band, I saw Justin over the summer at a Kissy Kamikaze show and it was so much fun. I made WWIX patches over the summer and I love them and yeah. The show should be great and yeah, I can't wait.

Well, I should get to homework. I might end up going to school tomorrow and in that case I better be ready. = )

P.S. I have noticied that I feel like shit a lot, or I am sick a lot (they kinda go hand in hand), but hopefully I can get over this or whatever. Fuck, I really am sick this time.

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