Thursday, October 23, 2008


I don't know what's up with me and being so against weed and alcohol, but it's just bizarre. Honestly, in my twisted mind, opiates, speed, coke - oh that's all fine - but weed and alochol is horrible. I'm talking to Tanzen on the phone about how I don't want to be around Nina and Lauren while they're drinking and she says, "Uhh, I don't think it's as bad as what you're planning on doing!" I know, it's a fucked up logic, okay... My response to what she said was, "I'm not doing that, I'm not doing drugs, I've quit.".... haha, oh, maybe after right now. Fuck, I'm so dumb...

Halloween is more up in the air than before. I could go into the city and see Tanzen and spend the night running around the village and seeing the parade and going to Rocky Horror and having a good time. I think I'm going to go. It makes me nervous, but it's better than being alone at home.

I've been very melancholy for the past few days.... I don't have much to say. I got an A- on my last Statistics test (I know you're excited about that!) I'm also enjoying all of the good movies on television right now, the dumb halloween ones and Scariest Places on earth!

Check ya later!


Noah said...

Heh...I'm with ya. I hate alcohol and weed just makes me all paranoid, self-conscious, and hungry, but a gram of tar Weeellll Noowwwww thats the good shtuff! It took me 35 minutes to write this comment coz I kept nodding out...damn I need a cig.

Melody Lee said...

Lucy doll, I hope all the angst from your previous post has gone buh bye! I hate to think of my lil blog mate being so depressed. I'll tell you what, worrying about shit you can't change will just make you unhappy.
As far as feeling self-concious about something you did at a show.....fuck it, you were having fun and that's the whole point! I've had my shirt ripped off and spent the last half of The Adicts show in a bloody bra and vinyl pants but it was a hell of a good time! Don't let bullshit get you down, ultimately most it it will become insignificant anyway and then you made yourself sick over nothing. Enough lecturing haha, you know it's just because I care.
I was a TOTAL H snob for years! After I found it (H), it was like everything else was inferior....I didn't want anything to do with other drugs! Now having had to go for months and months between shots, I take pretty much whatever is offered...if I'm in the mood. I would much rather do a fat shot of H but if that's unavailable....whatcha got?

Lucinda said...

Haha. Weed makes me so self-conscious, it's ridiculous.

Yeah... most of the angst has gone for the time being. I get what your saying, harder to do it then to know it's true, but I'm gonna try hard and not stress. = )