Thursday, October 9, 2008


Oh, BTW, I'm going to quote unyclopedia for ya'll, because I was reading their definition of heroin and it made me chuckle:

"Heroin is a substance injected into your veins in order to feel like you've had 1,00,000 orgasms at once. Always comes in packs with tissue, and an instruction booklet provided by Pfizer. Current tagline is "Drug of champio" (the writer died of an overdoes before he could finish typing the letter "N" - shit happens). Very often people will mistake the substance for being "addictive," but we really know they are just a bunch of pussies who need to suck it up and get a job. Heroin has many uses around the house, including, but not limited to: a window cleaner, scum and dirty removal, Oxy Clean, Music Production, being Black, anti-diarrheal, cough suppressant, and penis reducer/enlarger. It is also useful for becoming "God.""

I know I posted a link to this before, but I thought I would just quote it so you didn't have to go through the hassle of clicking. = )


Melody Lee said...

That shit is so funny!

Lucinda said...

My favorite part is the end "It is also useful for becoming "God."