Monday, August 11, 2008

Oh yeah...

11:23....Today is one of those days where I need to be really productive. It's dark because it's going to storm all day, the perfect kind of day to spend high. I don't know, I should be working on this shit. It's kind of unfair. My friends are all off reading Ginsberg and Kerouac, or working, or off on vacation, and here I am doing this bullshit. At least they are getting something out of what they are doing. I hate being an overachiever, it's such bullshit. Why bother?

Today is just a bad day, I can already feel it. I don't know, I'm really not in that bad a mood, I'm just focusing on all the bad shit...

Also, where is everyone? Donde estan?

12:00....You know what is good? Junkyard Wars. Junkyard Wars is such an entertaining show. There were two versions at one point: an American one and an English one. The one that I get is the English one. I have to say that Junkyard Wars is definitely going to put me in better spirits.

12:15.....It was haling outside so I at first I watched in a bit of shock (it almost never hales here). I stared at my poor Siouxsie (my car), so I ran outside (in the process I became drenched) and quickly moved her into the garage. Poor Siouxsie, I hope there aren't any dents left in her. The hale was pretty small so I hope that I'm lucky.

12:47....BTW, Trophic is a word, no matter how much my computer would like to say it's not. The sun has basically come out. I wish it would be gray and dark all day. (Haha, I sound so emo... = )

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