That was the title under one of the photos from the show Saturday night. It was one of the greatest show's I've ever been to. It's was in a small record shop, packed to the brim. I got there around 2:15 and talked to Matt (a friend of mine, and the lead guitarist of the headlining band). He requested that I play my hit single "Jacob's Dad." Figuring that I would be up for it, I agreed to it, especially because I knew that most people I knew really loved the song. Tanzen get's there and, as we are want to do, walked down the street to mix our two big bottle of cranberry-vodka. Well, needless to say, but 3:30 in the afternoon I was buzzed. At 4:30, after two bands and two poems, we had finished one and decided to go pick up some water and pretzels and to rest our stomach's for an hour. Why? I don't know. I knew that at the time if I continued to drink at that pace I would be a wreck by the end of the night. Anyway, the place gets more packed, more great bands play, and I'm greeting everyone I know, handing out chap books (I should have made way more) and drinking. Well, as it says on the back of my chap book: "If you see her, buy her a beer." Some woman did just that, and the other adults that knew me gave me parts of their beers, or gave me whole beers. I finished the next bottle of cranberry-vodka and took sips from other people's drinks, and passed on a medium beer (not a tall boy, and not a regular size... what's that called? Because I like those and I don't know the name for it) and a regular sized one to my friends (one was a nasty yellow canned one, and the other was, my personal fav, PBR = ). My friends were appreciative. Needless to say, when I went up to play my song, I was drunk and so were most of the audience. Although I messed it up a lot, everyone found it funny, and we had a good time with it! Haha, I'm so ridiculous. I basically spent 8 hours of saturday drunk. I talked to a few people who I find really cute who I've only oggled from afar (like... METAL CHRIS... oh, he's sooooo fine, and E-arly... two HOT guys) and I almost talked to Pat from Reagan Youth, but mostly just stood next to Papa Jay and listened to them talk (I really did feel like his kid at that moment). We then, Jay, Sarah (his GF), and I, went to a diner. The first one was closed, but the second one was open and during this time my parents were frantically calling my cell phone, which I was too drunk to realize was vibrating. After some damage control, and some sobering up, I was back on the train home to NJ. I did see my crew's arch-nemesis there. She was supposed to jump us or some shit, but she was very "buddy-buddy" to me. I figure it's like this: you don't jump someone who everyone in the room was just applauding and talking to. I'm kind of becoming the darling of the scene? Haha, at least, that's what I hope. = ) I love all the adults there, they're so cool and always telling me how great I am or giving me shirts or CDs (not that most bands don't do it) or beers. It's just too much fun!
I'm doing well in school. Making the grades and working hard. My lowest grade is in English, I have an 84 and I only got a 77 on the midterm... I was tied with someone else for lowest midterm grade in the class.
Anyway, everything else is good. I'm going to upload some pics from the show to show you guys my classiness. = P
So, yeah, now I'm off to orchestra pit practice. I hope y'all enjoy my stellar photos!
The show was amazing! Great bands! Great people! Just an all around blast! My b-day show is at the same place, sadly MDC is playing somewhere else that same day, so I'm hoping that people show up! = )
Check ya later!
- Lucy B.
... I remember being young... once... I remember going to "happenings".. today I feel about a hundred (boo-hoo) and I'm going nowhere ~ ha!
Just wanted to indulge myself a moment there...
Self-pity: doncha just luurve it!!!
Actually I did go out this evening (for once) but had nothing more exciting than a pint of Grolsch, a latte and a chcolcolate tart!!
Haha, oh Gleds... a latte and a chocolate tart sounds like it would hit the spot right now.
You can indulge in your self-pity on my blog, tis alright.
= )
I too remember going to tons of shows when I was younger jawbreaker, no means no, the descendants, unwound, frank black, sex pistols(with out sid).blah blah.... I too will indulge in some self pity about the lameness of my life currently. I love your hair, very cute.
Yeah, shows are the only thing that keep me sane.
My fake dad's band played with the Descendants last week in CA, haha. Sweet shit. = )
Thanks, I gotta get it trimmed and I'm probably dying it blue soon... haha, gotta change it up!
Sweet pics girlie, I'm totally jealous! I've been thinking about going to ALBQ to check out some shows, they have way more of a scene than Farmington.
I'm being swallowed in a black hole of obscurity.....but thanx to Rufus, Fat Mike from NoFx knows that I named my cat after him, so I guess that's something haha.
Haha, thanks. Yeah, I don't know how you don't survive without shows, they are one of the few things that keep me looking forward to the weekend.
Haha, now that's pretty sweet! I'm really jealous that you have a kitty, i want one so bad, and my dad hates them.
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