If anyone can name the artist and the name of the song, I'll be quite impressed.
I'll give ya a hint. They're English. = )
BTW, excuse my face, its all unmade up because I'm about to go to bed. = )
Okay, so, beyond the lovely song reference. Yes, I have new hair. It is not as pink as it was over the summer, but still quite a nice shade, with the rest of my head being a dark, dark blue. If I had bleached it, as always, it would have been better, but it works.
I gots my report card (notice the irony) this week. I made the honor roll. = ) And I got As in half of my classes, which means that I got As in two APs, and Bs in the other two. GOOD SHIT.
Today, sadly, I found out that the show I wanted to go to was 18+... FUCK MY AGE. Even Justin, my dream-man, who is all of 39 years (you wouldn't guess he's a day over 27, though), was pissed for me, he was like, "What, you miss it by like 2 weeks?!" We were agreeing on the unfairness, and Papa Jay was preaching patience to me over texting. Haha, oh my heroes, always helping me through rough mental states.
This week I also punched all my mediocrity away, in the form of the wall. Which made me feel a lot better at the time, but now the cut on my finger from it kind of burns and I'm almost all out of bandaids...
I was so suped to go get really trashed and go to the show, so now I only get to get really trashed and possibly wander the streets with Tanzen. Oh, its sad. Let me tell you. I have more news about my own desire to get FUBAR this weekend, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow if things go as planned. Crossing my fingers and hoping I make the right decision.
I'm tried, my eye is burning, and I'm ready for sleep. I'll talk to you guys hopefully tomorrow.
= )
Love ya!
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