Sunday, November 30, 2008


If you've lived in or around NYC for any amount of time, then you've probably heard of HOT AND CRUSTY. The most disgustingly named bakery in the world, and the place where I met up with Jordan on Saturday. My heart kind of fluttered a little as he stood there, with his Islanders scarf and shiny-toed boots. We wandered over to the show, he made us get off at the wrong stop, I told him he was wrong, and then he turned around as me getting it wrong... DUMBASS. Anyway, we walked over to the show, which was so awkward, I can't stand it... I am SO FUCKING AWKWARD AAAAAAAH. Anyway... that was kind of terrible. He's adorable though, so it's all good. Two Man was sitting out in their van outside the show. Jordan knows them so well, and they had some extra beers and some extra seats, so we squeezed in. I felt kind of bad, I was hurting his leg when I was sitting on it. Jordan and I then went out and picked them up 2 sixers of those large cans, not a Tallboy, those are really freaking obvious, just like a slightly taller version of a regular can. At which point I remembered that old addage: PBR TASTES LIKE WEASEL PISS. It really does, the only reason people drink it is because it's cheap (7$ for a tall sixer) and it's beer. It's like water mixed with seltzer. Anyway, I finished almost the entire can, and then gave the rest to Jordan, who happily finished it. Meanwhile, my friends got into the van, and looked at me like I was weird. They get this look on their face whenever I have imbibed alcohol like: "Oh no, not this again... You better not be getting drunk."

After a bit we went in and saw the first two bands, which were okay. When the third band came on the pit really picked up though. Everyone was slamming and it was so much fun. Two Man came on and absolutely rocked it was killer. I wished they had played "Suck It Down," which would have been ironic for the venue which is: no fighting, no drinking, and no drugs. Anyway, then Deathcycle came on and that was great, besides me picturing my dad, which got me in a bad mood... Some good people showed up, which was great. My favorite adults, besides a few, were all there. This woman who is friends with a good friend of mine kept trying to get me to dance, which I did NOT want to do. I don't dance. It's not my style. Some guy picked me up and started to spin me around, and so I picked up my feet... It was so much fun! Even falling wasn't that bad, I didn't really notice until the floor was right there and people were pulling me up. It was a great show. I was the only girl, besides that woman, who was really IN the pit. Jordan was cute as always. If he could get his way he would fuck me, but he can dream. I don't know, I would date him, you know, and if I dated him I would fuck him. But I don't want to be some girl for him to fuck and then forget about. I'm not a big fan of being used as a tool. I woke up this morning in pain. Everything hurts. My ass hurts a lot from falling and my arms from pushing people in the pit. Jordan was trying to push people away from me for part of the time, and I just wanted to be like, "stop it, I've got this under control." = )

Chivalry ain't dead.


P.S. I'm so glad to hear that Melody is back to being home and not dead... I was all sad. = (
P.P.S. Hot and Crusty is also ironic because the venue is thought of as a "crusty hang out" (if you don't understand what I just said, ask your friendly neighborhood punk).
P.P.P.S. I haven't been posting lately because of shit with school, when January comes I shall be back on just as much as before wasting my time and yours. = )


Melody Lee said...

Sounds like so much fun! I miss doing that kinda shit, the shows here are lame! Nothing but pseudo death metal for the most part. Phoooey!
You are totally right as far as J goes, sex is cool but in the long run it can make things weird if you're friends. Everybody always thinks that girls can't handle a lil friendly hook-up but in my experience it was always the guys who got stupid over it. That's why we never boned our guy friends.....for the most part haha. Did I actually just use the word boned? Aaaaah it's good to be back!

Lucinda said...

Haha, it was great! The place was packed, where last time it wasn't (thankfully so because that was the day I got really fucked up on Jameson).

That would suck man, I feel sorry for ya. Shows are the only thing that keep me close to sane.

Haha, yeah, I figure I'll see what happens, but I'm keeping my wits about me. I'm not dumb enough to be used. = )

JP said...

If you don't mind me asking... What are you on for your arthritis? I'm currently in the process of finding out if/what autoimmunity I may have and I'm curious about the drugs they prescribe. I had a doctor tell me the medications can cause fertility issues etc. blah blah blah.

Also, I thoroughly enjoy your blog!

Lucinda said...

I'm glad you enjoy the blog!

Um, I take azulidine, feldine, and a muscle relaxer (but I refuse to take it, because it doesn't do shit). I wouldn't know about any of them cause infertility, but I don't think they do -- they would have probably told me that... at least I hope they would. ; )