Saturday, October 31, 2009

Stupidity Tries

France is one of those countries that has over the counter codeine bullshit. I call it bullshit because you gotta take at least 30 mg of codeine to equal 5 mg of hydrocodone. That's a fucking load of powder you gotta cram down your throat (I can't put it up my nose, it insights immediate retching and a deep nasal burn--one of these days I'm gonna puke for no good reason, other than I can't keep shit out of my nose). But, I mean, why not give it a whirl right? Buy a box of 16, so take like 5 or so, each time, and the high isn't really bad. I took a nice nap the other week, snug under my blanket and feeling okay. So, I don't know, it's alright set up. It's cheap as fuck. I mean, really really dirt cheap. And it's completely legal.

The first time I went in, I was really nervous. Like, I was almost shaking. I don't know, shit like this, makes me nervous, I know nothing bad should happen, but I can't help it. I walk into the pharmacy--I must have looked nervous--and I stuttered out the name in my terrible French accent. The woman says: "Hold on, she speaks English." Her coworker walks to the counter and I begin to tell her. She repeats the name and grabs it, and then says to me, obviously trying to shake me: "This is a pain killer." In my mind, I thought, "no shit? Really? Because I wouldn't specifically ask for it if I didn't know what it was." But, in my nervous American voice I said: "umm, I know." She sells it to me, but not before saying as I walk out: "No more sick today." And I just laughed. I guess she thought I was a sick junky or something, I don't know, nerves fucking kill me, and apparently they manifest themselves oddly to other people. Je ne sais pas, c'est étrange.

Anyway, I'm gonna lie down, because my stomach is all fucked up. It's been weird since I puked from too much liquor on halloween. I fucking hate alcohol.

I'll catch ya guys later!
- Lucy! = )

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