Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dial "M" for Motherfucker

Someone stole my wallet today. I had laughed about it before I had realized it was actually truly missing, thinking: gosh, that crackhead would be disappointed when he realized there was only 13 bucks in it. That cunt charged 100$ on my credit card for the subway. Asshole. The bank, luckily, cancelled the card and is going to refund me the money.

But I guess, at least, the speed tucked in my bedroom drawer is here to keep me entertained and off the many nagging thoughts of all the shit I'm going to have to do in the coming days. I'm on break from school right now until the end of January. It's nice to be away from everything. I've just been reading and hanging out with people.

I've finished two books by my favorite new author in the past 3 days. Tony O'neill is amazing. Read his shit. Ironically, his auto-biography is the least interesting of the 3, I've read. I think I like Down and Out on Murder Mile the best, with Sick City at a close second.

Anyway, hope you guys are having a better day than I am,
Sincerely (and stuff),
- Lucy


Gledwood said...

my connection has gone shit if this came thru 2x ignore as appropriate

do you know some shithead who WORKED for the place used my bank card to pay for the same thing the london underground?? i never fucking bothered claiming it back i didn't want to have to explain to the bank how this could have happened, could have been vague mentioning "hospital" but if i did it i'd have wanted to get the fucker in trouble. says a lot about how addicted i was to heroin and how not fucking assertive now i'd think you do the fucking crime do the time. any sensible person weighs this shit up before they do anything like that whether on drugs or not

isn't $13 enough to get a $15 heroin bag? i don't even know how much american heroin costs

is it true a lot of dealing literally goes on from a street corner

here you see addicts on a corner you might well know which person they're waiting for but the guy is contacted by phone no way would you see a drug supermarket that would get cracked down on straight away

one idiot did deal out of a car, turned up late someone else came shouting through rolled down windows "b white b white" (heroin crack heroin crack) i bought a ten and did it in the bus station toilets it was fine

the guy got busted. i nearly got arrested just for standing on that corner with a phone and mountain bike a car pulled up and police jumped out so sudden it was unreal. put me off the idea of dealing big time that was QUICK i said "i suppose you want me to empty my pockets" at least they knew what citric acid was i had a shit load on me wrapped in paper, an idiot copper could have arrested me for that though you would have to be truly stupid to believe something that looks like white sugar is drugs

are you still using opiates lucinda you naughty girl? or just speed? doesn't that make you feel lousy when you come down?? never agreed with me, i only took it bc i was depressed and ended up catatonic afterwards the all time pits i can't believe i was ever desperate enough to take it knowing what it did to me but there ya go

sorry i've only just got here i shouldn't ask stupid questions you probably ansad yourself my attn span is terminal these days really shit so pls excuse and apologies for my blog getting so self indulgent i'm pissed off with the entire subject of me and my fucking mental state and more annoyed by commenters arguing or at least contradicting each other who fucking cares what causes what i want a label i need a label i need to know what im looking at that is all other than that i don't want to think about it

you can see the difference between nuts and drugs by clicking the manic woman vid i put up friday

i feel like iv prostituted myself badly the way i have blogged nobody seems to appreciate this they think i'm attention grabbing i feel like porn actors must do in the moments they will never admit to, that you've done in public something that should be private

i hope all is good with you, despite theiving bastards

Lucinda said...

I've never done it off a street corner. Usually, it's phones and shit. Anyone whose approached me on the street offering drugs, I generally think is a cop. A few months back some guy ran past my friend and I yelling about how great his coke was and how he had free samples. I think he thought we were going downtown to score, as opposed to hopping over to a punk show. Anyway, school is the best place (especially my school) to get connections for coke and speed... everyone is so competitive.

Opiates and speed... I like to mix it up you know... change is the spice of life? (or something like that). Speed is nice, especially since what I have is mixed with a barbiturate. It has an extra nice body high, the only weird thing is sometimes different parts of my body go partially numb. Or maybe I just think they do. I don't know, they feel funny though. I'm not that experienced in speed... so I guess in theory it could be the speed, but I don't think so. Speed feels different usually, I think, like electrical currents cutting up my spine. I only have about enough for two small runs or one really nice one, so I'm trying to save it for a snowy day.

Yeah... well they wouldn't be coming to your blog if they weren't entertained by your story, so fuck them. I don't know... I only get you commenting, and people who want me to read their blog when I barely post on my own... the few good comments I get from other people are entertaining though.

Sorry, I just woke up and I'm not feeling too hot. Everything is better though, I hope your commenters chill out and stop being obnoxious. = )

Gledwood said...

i hope you're feeling better

just read through that mush i left

"some shirthead who worked there" means at a drug detox place, i gave in the card for safekeeping; he used it i know which one it was, the one with driller killer eyes who picked me up from the hospital

(you meet them in a hospital, by arrangement, they take you to detox)

sorry if i was a bit overwhelming there i have kind of been on a huge "trip" lately, but not on drugs, off drugs

my folks want to think it's drugs i took before, that is in the 90s, which is a nice idea... i'm just not convinced.

on the one hand i can talk to a dr. pretty rationally, on the other, the dr. knows what i'm saying is true. it's "mood" not schizophrenia, far as i can tell. schizophrenia people tend not to be able to think out of it, mood people can. just an observation, but probably a true one

take care and post again!


lol m for mxxxxxxx lmao...
