Last night, Zack and I were hanging out, being dumb as always. Anyway, as teenagers are want to do, we are just kind of joking around, and poking each other and shit, kind of wrestling (these are not sexual innuendos, seriously, if we were fucking I would have said it). I turn on the computer, and put on some Iggy Pop ("I Wanna Be Your Dog" and "Death Trip" are playing, those are the songs to think about). Anyway, I decide to go on iChat and talk to one of my friends. It's actually my friend who is really overprotective of me (in the space of a year and a half she has had sex with 13 guys, so I am looked at as a little innocent pup). We're sitting there video chatting with her, and I start to just kind of... hmm... how do I put this tastefully? I don't think I can... umm... rub his "pant-leg"... So, you all know what I mean. But, at the same time I'm having a conversation with her. You may all think that I'm a bit of a weirdo, but honeslty, it was kind of hot because we were talking to her at the same time, and she could only see like our faces. Zack was so pissed at me too, because after she signed off, I left him hard and then started to go do other shit. I kind of sang along to Iggy Pop and walked around my room, and then drove him home. As much as he was all "you're a cock tease blah blah blah" he didn't seem to mind. Am I a terrible person? No. Did I prove to him that I was in control? Yes. I like being in control, haha. A lot. Anyway, as I was prancing around my room picking up shit and finding my clothes for the party, he was watching me and told me how he thought my fishnets were really hot (my friend who I was iChatting with told me this previously). And at the end of the night I felt like I was a stellar teenager and... okay, this is going to sound lame, but I feel like everyone should have one astoundingly teenage moment, and that was mine. I kind of liked it because I knew that I shouldn't be iChatting, rubbing my boyfriend's dick, and listening to Iggy Pop all at the same time.
The way I just wrote this does not really do it justice, ya know? I was actually quite hot, if I do say so myself. I would like to say something else, which happens to be exceedlingly tasteless, do you guys wanna read it? Okay, if you don't then skip to the next paragraph, but here it is: Zack has a big dick.
So, I feel kind of unclean for writing this all on here... but, I mean, you guys will find it entertaining... or awkward. Whichever way you feel, I mean, come on, you were all teenagers at some point. It makes me feel like a cliche saying this, but, this is how I imagined teenage punk love to be. And yes, it's really too much fun. = P
Well, after that lovely lacivious post, I'm going to go read some more "Pride and Prejudice."
Love ya guys,
- Lucy = )
oh ...believe me when you get older, 13 guys in a year and a half will seem pretty tame(well to some). I get the control thing but from what I've read you seem a little averse to sexual type things. I'm not saying go have sex immedialtly but once you get past your first couple of sexual partners, having sex isn't the big deal you thought it once was. Sometimes sex is almost less intimate than making out. I'm not sure what my point is I didn't have sex until I graduated from HS but I sure made up for it once I started hitting the bars. I've definately toned down the last few years, but maybe I'm not like most girls. The way I treat and view sex is very guy like. Just cause we have sex doesn't mean I like you, love you or even want to see you for other than sexual purposes(or at all). I feel like there is some power and control in this too...lol....sex just isn't a big deal to me. And some guys have a hard time understanding this. Oh well, maybe I should write my own blog based on my sexual adventures. Sorry to waste your space, i enjoy your blog, I think I was a teenager just like you, punk and all(I just turned 30). Good luck with whatever desicions you make in your life regarding how you treat/ view boys, and everything else. I'll be reading : )
Honey I come from Generation Ecstasy, we were loved-up all the time, tee-hee ;->...
Anon, haha, thanks for reading. Yeah, I get what you're saying. For a 17 year old, 13 guys in a year is a lot. Obviously, when you're older, it's different. But, if I knew people who had sex with 5 people in their entire lives at 17 (and they were friends with me) I would probably be impressed with the number. When I'm older, things will obviously be different, but I kind of like my teenage-sexual experiences. They make me and other people chuckle, I think. = )
Gleds... haha, I'm sure. = P
I don't "hate" you...and I enjoy reading your blog. Thx for the tag :)
Haha, I'm glad. Gracias!
You definitely deserve it! = )
The dress looks like something you might glimpse Dita Von Teese in,... doncha think?
Haha, yeah, I could see that.
= )
That dress is super cute! Paired with fishnets and yellow heels or the doc martens sounds hot. Nice style. I'm a fan.
Haha, thanks! = )
My boyfriend would agree with you.
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