I'm always eluding to the big surgical scar on my arm from having that abscess removed, so I was taking pictures so I took a pic of my arm (the flash kept turning my arm this glowing white, haha, I'm soooo white, it's almost not funny). Obviously, all of you wish that you could have one too, something so fashionable and... pink! Haha it still hurts like a motherfucker, I think they fucked with the nerves in there or something. So, yeah, now that I've blogged 4 times today (I'm a bit bored, if you haven't noticed). I really am going to bed. = )
George Lowe
1 week ago
The hospitals tend to butcher you, especially if was drug related. Casey has a scar on his arm that looks like someone tried to saw it off, anything we took care of ourselves healed up way better. I would never go because they treat you like a piece of shit. Probably not the best attitude since you can die from it but what can I say,I'm stubborn. I just sliced and diced and hoped for the best. I like scars though(emotional and physical) , I think they're sexy, weird huh? Good thing I find them so attractive cause I got plenty of both.
Haha, yeah, the hospital was a fucking weird experience. Besides being there for 10 days (on the 9th I told the doctor that if he didn't let me out I was going to shoot him in the face... not literally, but fuck, it was waaaaaaaay too long to be there), I lied to them about A) using drugs and B) how I got the infection. (Moral of that story: people are dumb). The night before I took a hit about 3 times bigger than I do usually, and the hospital didn't even fucking drug test me or anything (apparently they're supposed to, my old therapist told me that). Also, I had been on immunosuprressants for my arthritis, so you're supposed to get infections, so another reason why I was left alone.
I think the only thing lucky about the whole experience was that A) I was 16, so they were really nice to me, and B) I was fucked out of my mind the entire time in the hospital and then I was sent home with a lovely prescription.
I tend to agree about physical scars, but I know too many people who have driven themselves nuts withe mental ones.
My reason for the infection: it got slammed in a door at school and was scraped. Haha, everyone still buys it.
My friend Sara told them she cut herself with a dirty kitchen kife when she was washing dishes. You're lucky you're so young because after a certain point they stop taking your word for it. The last time Casey was in, the doc was like," Sure it's a spider bite and I'm William S Burroughs" Smartass!. When you're over 18 you can just tell them the truth but usually they take it out on you by not giving you anesthetic and telling you you brought it in yourelf, NO SHIT! When I heard a doc tell my friend Butch to stop being a pussy and that he should have thought about this before he shot the dope I decided I would never go in.
If I had said the kitchen knife thing, they would have said, "Have you been cutting yourself? Do you ever feel like killing yourself? Are you depressed?"
That's horrible, my arm was so filled up I can't even imagine someone just draining it without anaestetic. That's the only good thing, if I hadn't gone into the hospital I don't know what would have happened, my arm would have probably gotten so fucked up. I did shoot up while it was swollen, which was unpleasant, but I can't imagine draining it myself.
The funniest part about mine was that it was infected with a bacteria found in your mouth, so everyone was like, "Do the kids at your school lick the doors? I've never seen anything like this before."
Yeah it is pretty fucked up, We usually put hot compresses on it til it came to a head and then cut it open if it didn't ooze on it's own. I've also had to use a hypo and draw crap out like that, it's super nasty but prefferable to getting hacked on with no pain killers. We picked up a few tricks as to how to do it so it didn't go septic.
My friend Melissa got blood poisoing from an abcess but hers was this strain called MRSA that comes from fecal matter. It's all nasty either way, its scary what you get used to when you deal with on a reg basis.
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