I've been super bored this week (as you can see by all the posts), and everyone has been gone (yes, I had nothing to read from Mel or Gleds) and I had plenty of time to read because I was super sick. I'll start this post where my last one left off.
So, way against my better judgement, I decided to drive to the Bargain Box... I was feeling so fucked up in the car, I was going about 10 miles under the speed limit and when I got to the parking lot it was all full and as I tried to turn around this old woman was giving me the weirdest look. It would be my luck to hit these parked cars right now... What's she looking at? I should flip her off... So, I finally got inside and looked around. I found this ridic jacket for halloween, I might be Stevo from SLC Punk!, so this would be the perfect jacket. I know you're all very jealous, 5$! Oh yeah, I saw this flannel shirt that I thought about buying but it was about 3 sizes too big (an XL mens), so I decided not to. All of these old women were like following me and giving me dirty looks (I have no idea why all of the oldies were hating on me), and I saw this really butch lesbin (at first, I thought she was a he) who gave me a really dirty look. The woman who checked me out said, "Oh, this is such a lovely jacket." My only thought was Ma'am whatever you're on, I want. I mean, it's lovely in a super cracked out way, but not in a normal way. Anyway, the rest of the day was utterly pointless, I got home and watched TV and then I kinda went out for about 2 hours. My mom came in to wake me up for dinner and I couldn't really open my eyes, they fluttered and then shut. My thought afterwards was Oh yeah, that's totally not suspicious at all.
Today was uneventful. I went to school. My power point was not due in Enviro, so that was good. During lunch we had Latin club meeting, which was fun, I guess. Then, I had statistics, I really don't think the teacher likes me in that class. He's nice, but you can tell that he finds me distasteful. I think it's because I was supposed to be in AP, and all the kids want me to teach the class. Euro was okay, we discussed Renaissance art and I ate some potato chips.
I went home after school to change and fix my make up. Which needs some explaining, because previously I said that Anthony was supposed to come over. What do you know, the boy had crew! I basically told him that either he makes time for me, or I dump him (well, actually, I wasn't that harsh, I just said, "Are you dating me, or the school and Matt (his best friend)?"). It's really pissing me off, but, whatever, I would never break up with him unless he severely fucked up, and I can't see that happening. I went to Dunkin Donuts, where I bought two donuts (I had a coupon), and had a very uncomfortable conversation with my friend's older sister and this stranger... yeah, my life is a partay. Then I went to the school, which reminds me, I need to fill up my car with gas. So, blah blah blah, went to the radio station, helped put down sound-proofing floor tiles. Anthony and Matt came, so I talked to Anthony and then we all got Chinese food. We all cut out at 6 (Anthony decided that he was out, if I was being kicked out of the station and because we weren't actually on air... our transmitter sucks). So, Matt, Anthony, and I sat out behind the school for a good 2o minutes shooting the shit. Then Anthony's dad was coming, so I hugged Anthony and got in my car.
I called Lauren, and basically invited myself over. So, we hung out for about 2 hours and then Sam came over, at which point I sang her a song dedicated to her and then I sang her a song I wrote about our Enviro teacher. Then we went to Dunkin Donuts and listened to songs from the 90s and middle school (haha, we were really cool, especially because I knew all the words to all the songs that came on, I won't embarrass myself with the band names). We saw this really preppy kid from my classes in the parking lot, and he waived at me (mostly because I was kinda staring at him) and so I waived back... it was very very awkward, at least, that's how I felt inside.
We got back to Lauren's house and I felt this kind of sadness because of the absence of drugs... no, I won't say drugs, the absence of weed. I wanted to smack myself. Of all the things to really feel "sad" about, weed definitely shouldn't be one of them. Anyway, soon after Sam and I left, and I got home and serenaded my mother and my father. But, I called my father an asshole, and then he got pissed off, so I just decided to go to bed.
Tomorrow is another lovely day. Check you on the flip side! = )
P.S. on another note, I was thinking about driving around high... I have come to the conclusion that... It's very very very dumb. And that it would be my luck to get pulled over by the cops.